Operation Revegetation: doing its best to help Greening Knox and beyond . . .
Indigenous plant supply Knox
Growing Local Provenance Indigenous Plant Species for Melbourne's Eastern Suburbs
Specialising in ADVANCED and SEMI-ADVANCED indigenous stock
WHOLESALE QUANTITIES of indigenous tubestock available
Specialty Indigenous Plant stock currently available: Bursaria spinosa - various sizes available Calocephalus lacteus - tubestock available Calotis scabiosifolia var. integrifolia - tubestock available Cyathea australis - advanced sizes available Dianella ameona - nationally endangered species - tubestock available Eucalyptus cephalocarpa - tubestock + advanced sizes available Eucalyptus macrohyncha - tubestock + advanced sizes available Eucalyptus yarraensis - tubestock + advanced sizes available Exocarpus cuppressiformis - very limited quantities of advanced sizes available Gahnia sieberiana - tubestock + advanced sizes available Imperata cylindrica - tubestock available Lomandra longifolia var. exilis - (rhizotomic + glaucous tubestock) Lomandra multiflora - tubestock available Pomaderris lanigera - (rare in Melbourne's east) - tubestock available Valley Heathy Forest Plants - a range of trees/shrubs/grasses/groundcovers for this EVC available Xerochrysum palustre - tubestock (of 2 Melbourne provenances) We can help you with all Indigenous Trees as Advanced Stock to satisfy Knox City Council and Maroondah City Council Landscape Plan and Planning Permit Requirements Additional plant stock available include selected general native species such as Correa, Westringia, Dianella, Poa, Myoporum, Brachycombe, etc. |
Contact: [email protected]